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Hays County is planning for improvements to Darden Hill Road and RM 150 from RM 1826 to RM 12. Improvements are being planned in phases and studies are being conducted to determine what improvements are most feasible and beneficial for the area while fitting within the unique character of the community. The improvements to Darden Hill Road will tie into improvements at RM 150 near Woods Loop to create an improved connection between RM 1826 and RM 12. There is currently no funding for final design, right of way acquisition, or construction plans.

Project Area Maps-R14b_Darden Hill-Full.png

Open House Spring 2023

Hays County hosted an open house on May 17th, 2023, and accepted public comments on the project until June 2, 2023, to share updates on the Darden Hill Road Improvements project and receive feedback from the community. The County and the project team have reviewed and responded to all comments. You can review all comments received and responses in the open house summary.


View Open House Summary

View Updated Schematic


Additional funding is required to continue with the detailed design. Hays County is actively seeking funding to continue with the project and will share updates with the community as funding becomes available.

Population growth coupled with new and planned development has heightened the need to improve the local roadways to optimize their existing efficiency and increase capacity. These improvements will provide transportation solutions to provide route options, optimize roadway efficiency and improve safety, mobility, and connectivity.


Project Goals:

  • Improve safety, mobility, and connectivity between RM 1826 and RM 12

  • Design improvements that will enhance the transportation experience in the area

  • Coordinate with property owners and the community to share information and determine feasible solutions


Improvements Being Studied:

  • Widening from two to four lanes with a median and shoulders

  • Adding accommodations for pedestrians and cyclists

  • Installing roundabouts at select intersections



The need for improvements to the Darden Hill Road corridor was first identified in the following Plans:


Continued growth and development in Hays County, including Dripping Springs, has sparked interest in advancing improvements identified in both Plans.

Proposed Improvements to Darden Hill Road

RM 1826 to Sawyer Ranch Road

  • Widening from a rural two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with a median and shoulders

  • Adding accommodations for pedestrians and cyclists

  • Intersection improvements at Darden Hill Road and
    RM 1826


This project is in the early schematic design phase and more detailed design of proposed improvements will occur following this phase.

Project Area Maps-R14a_Darden Hill–Phase2.png

Anticipated Timeline


Data collection
& analysis


Early 2023

Preliminary design, property owner, and community meetings

Mid 2023

Refine preliminary design

Late 2023

Share updates

Early 2024

preliminary design


Detailed design, right of way acquisition, construction
(Pending funding)

We are here

Sawyer Ranch Road to RM 12

  • Extending Darden Hill Road to RM 150 near Woods Loop

  • Widening from a rural two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with shoulders

  • Adding accommodations for pedestrians and cyclists

  • Installing a roundabout at Woods Loop and Darden Hill Road

Project Area Maps-R13_Darden Hill-Sawyerto.png

Improvements to this section of Darden Hill Road are still in the early planning stages and studies are being conducted to determine the most feasible and beneficial options for the area. The extension of Darden Hill Road will tie into improvements planned for RM 150 from RM 12 to Woods Loop. Improvements to RM 150 include widening from a rural two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway with shoulders and adding accommodations for pedestrians and cyclists.


Hays County will continue to coordinate with property owners and the community throughout this process. Additional information will be provided as studies move forward and phases for improvements are identified.


Hays County is planning intersection improvements at RM 150 and RM 12. Learn more about this project.

Frequently Asked Questions


View information about the roundabout at Darden Hill and Sawyer Ranch Road.


View Archived Materials from the Darden Hill Road Improvements.


For More Information on Darden Hill Road Improvements:



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